As of March 8 the diocesan Stewardship and Development Office reported it has received $1,148,823 from 2,103 gifts and pledges for this year’s Partners in Charity appeal, which is more than $54,000 ahead of last year at this time. The appeal’s goal is $5 million to support the agencies, ministries and programs that receive funding. According to Michael P. Gillespie, diocesan director of development, reaching the $1 million mark so soon can be attributed to advance gifts and early donations made by our regular donors. “A large percentage of these donors are annual supporters, including many giving society members who are committed to supporting the mission of the Church,” Mr. Gillispie said. “I will never tire of thanking God for the goodness of our parishioners who support the work of the Church,” said Bishop McManus. “Whether they give to diocesan appeals and campaigns, local parish offertory collections or emergency relief efforts responding to national and international disasters, our people are always willing to put their faith into action and respond with prayers and financial support.” The brochure for this year’s appeal lists the following recipients of support from this year’s appeal: CHARITY: Catholic Charities, Pernet Family Health Service, Priests’ Retirement, Retired Priests’ Health Ministry, Diocesan Cemetery System, Utility Assistance Fund. EDUCATION: Advanced Studies for Clergy and Laity, Catholic Schools Office, Communications Ministry, Grant-in-Aid for Schools, Office of Religious Education, Ongoing Priestly Formation, Seminarian Education, Diocesan Schools grants. MINISTRY: African Ministry, Catholic Campus Ministry, Hispanic Apostolate, Minister to Priests, Office for Divine Worship, Hispanic & Latino Ministry, Office of Marriage and Family, Diaconate Program, Respect Life Office, St. Paul Cathedral, Vocations Office and House of Studies, and Youth and Young Adult Ministries. The official appeal kickoff was held on Feb. 16 and is just getting underway in parishes around the diocese. Banners can be seen outside of churches around Worcester County as parishes conduct the appeal through mail, in-pew and online requests. This year’s campaign video, brochure and banner, along with online donation page can be found at